
New Gallery Representation!

February 11, 2023

 I am very happy to be joining the gallery Fotorelevance, in Houston.  Co-founders Bryn Larsen and Geoffrey Koslov have curated a fantastic group of conttemporary photographers and I am proud to be among them!

see the gallery site for their details:

Family Portrait in Paper City

December 28, 2020

Thank you Catherine Anspon for the beautiful article written about my work in the December Issue of Paper City.  You can see the article  HERE.

Family Portrait

December 28, 2020

Family Portrait, on view at Nancy Littlejohn Gallery, December 3- January 16th.  Follow the link HERE to see the works on the gallery website.  We did not have an opening, per se, due to covid, but I will be happy to meet you at the gallery for a tour.

December 2020, Nancy Littlejohn Gallery

August 29, 2020

I am very excited to be introducing a new body of work, Family Portrait.  It will be in the Viewing Room at the Nancy Littlejohn Fine Art, alongside the exhibition of Reed Anderson.

December 5- January 16, 2020.


Stay tuned for more details!


Very excited about new representation!

May 19, 2019

I am pleased to announce I am now being represented by Nancy Littlejohn Fine Art of Houston.  I am very excited about what the Gallery is doing, and look forward to projects that are collaborative and multi-media works! 

Shows on the horizon!

June 20, 2017

This coming Spring,  Masterson will install the work Spectrum at the Jung Center, Houston.  seven glass mosaics paired with seven musical compositions explore the relationship between the aural and visual spectrums.  

On View April 3-28, with an opening reception on

Satruday April 7, 5-7 pm.


Upcoming Exhibitions

February 05, 2016

This Fall, Masterson will exhibit a compnent of the Spectrum series at the Catherine Couturier Gallery, Houston.  Exact Dates to Follow!

For more information about the Gallery:


December 17, 2015

2016 Begins as a research and development time for Masterson.  Her current pursuit is a project called Spectrum, which explores the similarities in the visible and aural spectrums. The project will involve sound, photogrpahy , and glass.  It will be installed in the Fall of 2016.  More details to come as the project develops!