



STILL, a series of evening photographs, is based on the rugged and extreme landscapes of West Texas. The images, all black and white, shot in the evening light, evoke nostalgia and quietude. I chose the name STILL because it refers to the stillness that you find in the evening and also touches on the un-changing quality of the terrain. The word “still” also denotes a single-cell photograph. The idea is to capture a little of the timelessness with a nostalgic air. The sense of something preserved. Something that is mysterious and beautiful and frightening. Something that is so foreign and yet right in our home. This series speaks to the grand scale of Texas and at the same time the intimacy found in such a mysterious and untouched place. An installation draws on the sense of this open space and distance. On a more personal scale, a edition of single images capture moments so still you can only hear your own breath. As a portfolio, one can sit down with them and read through them like a book or a family album. Ideally the viewer will experience these images in a quiet space, emulating the mysterious and calm quality of the terrain, taking the time to be still oneself.


This exhibition was made possible by an Individual Artis Grant from the Houston Arts Alliance.  

<p><em>Big Bend Panorama</em> , Archival Inket Print, installation View 4' x 35'</p>
<p><em>Big Bend Panorama</em> , Archival INket Print, Prepared Image. 4' x 35' 2009</p>
<p><em>Big Bend Panorama in 4 Parts&nbsp;</em>each print Chromogenic, 18&rdquo; x 24&rdquo; 2009</p>
<p><em>Big Bend Panorama in 4 Parts.</em> each print Chromogenic, 18&rdquo; x 24&rdquo; &nbsp;2009</p>
<p><em>Big Bend Panorama in 4 Parts</em>. &nbsp;each print Chromogenic, 18&rdquo; x 24&rdquo; 2009.</p>
<p><em>Big Bend Panorama in 4 Parts</em>. &nbsp;each print Chromogenic, 18&rdquo; x 24&rdquo; 2009.</p>
<p><em>Chisos Mountains</em>, Archival Inkjet print, &nbsp;6&rdquo; x 13&rdquo; &nbsp;2009.&nbsp;</p>
<p><em>Rio Grande Evening</em>. Archival Inkjet 12&rdquo; x 8 &nbsp;2009.</p>
<p>STILL portfolio book, Handmade case. 8 Chromogenic Images 8&rdquo; x 8&rdquo; each. &nbsp;2009</p>
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